Guilds & Unions
Full rosters of world-class professionals
Full rosters of world-class professionals
SAG-AFTRA membership and contract services and support for the Twin Cities Local are provided by the Chicago office.
Staff Contact Information
Twin Cities Local Constitution
Local 490 supports studio films, local TV and advertising productions.
Current Roster
To join Local 490 contact the membership committee.
Rates and contracts:
Contact: Kellie Larson, Business Agent
Phone: 612.393.0550
Email: businessagent@iatse490.net
Teamsters Local 638 represents over 5,000 members in Minnesota and North Dakota.
Meet your Local 638 Team
Contact: Trevor Lawrence, Business agent
Phone: 612.961.9976
Email: lawrencet@teamsterslocal638.org
The International Cinematographers Guild represents the most talented camera professionals and publicists in the world.
Contact: Ashurina Atto, Central Region Business Representative, Chicago
Phone: 312.940.3570
Email: aatto@icg600.com
Local 219 has trained Theatre Projectionists, Audio, Video, and A-V Technicians for all your show needs when in Minnesota.
Contact: Davin Anderson, Business Agent
Phone: 612.868.9711
Email: davin8@aol.com