Explore Minnesota Film calls on all production companies filming in the state to have a workplace harassment prevention policy in place to provide a work environment free from discrimination and harassment based on race, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, disability, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, or other protected activity or class under state or federal law.

Learn about your rights, and how to make a complaint, under Minnesota’s Human Rights Act. Employers can find resources and information is available there as well.

Minnesota's Workers' Compensation Division strives to create an environment where injured workers promptly receive benefits and services.
Workers' compensation questions?
Alternative Dispute Resolution; Compliance, Records and Training; Special Compensation Fund; and Vocational Rehabilitation
St. Paul:  651.284.5032 or 800.342.5354 and press 3
Duluth:  218.733.7810 or 800.342.5354 and press 3
Email:  dli.workcomp@state.mn.us
Workers' compensation reporting requirements for fatalities and serious injuries:  651.284.5041

Film crew in background filming a women's ypga class