Rules & Regulations
A quick reference on how to do things by the book
A quick reference on how to do things by the book
Explore Minnesota Film is a member of the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI). The association's Filmmaker Code of Conduct was developed and adopted by its members to encourage best practices in our industry.
When filming in a neighborhood or business district, proper notification is to be provided to each merchant or neighbor who is directly affected by the company (this includes parking, base camps, and meal areas). The filming notice should include the following:
Name of company.
Name of the production.
Kind of production (e.g. feature film, television movie, tv pilot, commercial, etc.).
Type of activity and duration (i.e., times, dates & number of days, including prep and strike).
Company contact (first AD, Unit Production Manager, Location Manager, and phone number).
Contact name and number at Minnesota Film and TV.
Include any required notification from the municipality.
Shall not enter the area before the time stipulated in the permit.
Park one by one.
Turn off engines as soon as possible.
Shall observe designated parking areas.
Shall not park production vehicles in or block driveways without the express permission of the municipal jurisdiction of the driveway owner.
Shall leave at the designated time.
Moving or towing of the public's vehicles is prohibited without the express permission of the municipal jurisdiction or the owner of the vehicle.
Meals shall be confined to the area designated in the location agreement or permit.
All trash must be disposed of properly upon completion of the meal.
Remember to use the proper receptacles for disposal of all napkins, plates, and coffee cups that you may use in the general course of the working day.
Do not trespass onto other neighbors' or merchants' property.
Remain within the boundaries of the property that has been permitted for filming.
Removing, trimming and/or cutting of vegetation or trees is prohibited unless approved by the permit authority or property owner.
All signs erected or removed for filming purposes will be removed or replaced upon completion of the use of that location unless otherwise stipulated by the location agreement or permit. Please remove all signs posted to direct the company to the location.
Every member of the cast and crew shall keep noise levels as low as possible and will refrain from the use of lewd or improper language within earshot of the general public.
Every member of the crew shall wear a production pass (badge) when issued.
Do not wear clothing that lacks common sense and good taste. Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times unless otherwise directed.
Crew members shall not display signs, posters, or pictures on vehicles that do not reflect common sense or good taste (e.g. pin-up posters).
The cast and crew shall not bring guests or pets to the location unless expressly authorized in advance by the Company.
All catering, craft service, construction, strike, and personal trash must be removed from the location.
Observe designated smoking areas and always extinguish cigarettes in butt cans.
The Company will comply at all times with the provisions of the filming permit.
In May 2019, the Minnesota Legislature passed a new Wage Theft Prevention Act to create additional protections for workers, including adding criminal penalties for employers that commit wage theft, which occurs when employers do not pay their workers what is owed them for the work they have performed.
Information for employers
Information for employees
How to file a grievance or wage claim
MN Attorney General's Office
The Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Program
Contact: Customer Service for Applicants
Phone:Twin Cities area: 651.296.3644
Greater Minnesota: 877.898.9090
TTY users: 866.814.1252
Minnesota unemployment insurance rates vary depending on how long a company has been doing business in Minnesota; please visit the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance's Tax Rate page for specifics.
Contact: Customer Service for Employers
Phone: 651.296.6141 (Press 4 to speak to a representative)
TTY users: 866.814.1252
Federal and state child labor laws apply to the employment of minors on set. Details of Minnesota's youth labor laws.
The information below is excerpted from the current Minnesota Child Labor Standards Act. More information can be found at the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry.
A minor under age 14 may not be employed, except as:
Age and hours of work
A minor less than 16 years of age may not work:
*During the school year, federal law restricts hours to no later than 7 p.m., no more than three hours a day and not more than 18 hours a week.
A minor age 16 or 17 years old:
Contact: Minnesota Department of Labor Standards
Phone: 651.284.5075 or 800.342.5354
Email: dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us
All electrical wiring and equipment for on-location filming, filmmaking productions, and similar projects requires inspection. Portable and vehicle-mounted generators and portable electrical distribution systems are required to be inspected. Additions or alterations to premises wiring systems, permanent electrical infrastructure, or other fixed wiring systems are also required to be separately inspected.
Equipment shall be inspected and be in compliance before it is energized and put into use.
Complete details of required electrical inspection
Contact: Dean Hunter, Assistant Chief Electrical Inspections
MN Department of Labor and Industry
443 Lafayette Road North
Saint Paul, MN 55155
Phone: 218.770.1263
Email: dean.hunter@state.mn.us
Contact: Jim Huntzicker, Fire Inspections Coordinator
Chief Steward AFSCME, Local 9
Phone: 612.201.2624
Email: James.Huntzicker@minneapolismn.gov
The FAA provides the latest details on drones and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for motion picture production.
The local Minnesota FAA office requests that you read and review the website above in its entirety before contacting their office.
If you have read through the website and still have questions, contact the Minneapolis Flight Standards District Office at 612.253.4400.
The Federal Aviation Administration published these rulings for drone hobbyists on June 21, 2016: faapart107summary.pdf
Know Before You Fly is an education campaign founded by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) and the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), in partnership with the FAA, to educate prospective users about the safe and responsible operation of unmanned aircraft systems. It's a good resource for anyone working (or playing) with drones.
"No Animals Were Harmed"
American Humane monitors animals in filmed media and holds the exclusive right to award its No Animals Were Harmed® end-credit certification to productions that meet its rigorous standard of care for animal actors.