Youth Programs
Aspiring filmmakers come in all ages. Find a program, class, or workshop designed specifically for youth.
Aspiring filmmakers come in all ages. Find a program, class, or workshop designed specifically for youth.
The Best Buy Teen Tech Center is a safe, interactive space for teens to explore the latest technology and multimedia tools with support from peers and adult mentors.
Teens can challenge themselves in several different areas of technology including graphic design, sound and video production, digital photography, coding, and much more!
Best Buy's partnership with The Clubhouse Network connects members to a global community of over 100 clubhouses in 20 countries.
SPNN Youth Programs provide BIPOC and LGBTQIA young people with the opportunity to create community media with a lasting impact. It is a place for creative exploration, diverse voices, and for artistic vision. Youth come together to learn and grow their media skills, then apply those skills to their own podcast, shoots for other youth serving organizations, their own creative projects, and mentoring other youth in learning media skills.
Youth can grow their skills either as a part of the Speaking of Youth program or individually as a part of the Createch program.
FilmNorth’s Youth Media Programs work with youth from the Twin Cities area, both in and out of schools. The mission is to teach filmmaking as a means of engaging kids in their education— developing artistic, critical thinking, and career skills while examining issues in their own environments.
Learn about FilmNorth's Youth Programs
MIGIZI provides a strong circle of support that nurtures the educational, social, economic and cultural development of American Indian youth. The organization provides academic and cultural support to students in five Minnesota school districts.
First Person Productions, a training program located at MIGIZI's midtown center, equips young Native Americans with 21st century media skills. FPP differentiates itself from other media programs because of the social enterprise aspect of the program which allows youth to develop not only expertise in videography and photography, but also management, digital marketing, and interpersonal skills.
Nextwave is the MSP Film Society’s youth education initiative dedicated to the next generation of filmmakers, critics, and film aficionados. Championing youth-made media as well as international cinema made for young audiences, Nextwave is a platform for young people to develop their appreciation for the art and craft of filmmaking, to practice critical literacy skills, and to add their voices to the global conversation.